And the night shall be filled with music, And the cares that infest the day, Shall fold their tents like the Arabs, And as silently steal away.
-- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

October 12

Dear Blog.
Gosh I feel ridiculous.
I decided I need to journal. And what better way than posting them to the internet? Really though, I feel like it helps me to think I'm talking to someone. Especially someone I'll never meet. Oh wonderful.
Problem is, I still have no idea what to write about.
And no real desire to write anything.
But I want to want to write. You know?

Pinecove is here recruiting today. Eep. I feel bad all the time that I don't send more people their way. And then bad all over again when I do, because often as not they don't get hired. They don't hire a whole lot of people. Why am I so caught up in not disappointing other people? and why can't I figure out a way to use that to my advantage. Most the time I feel like I'll move mountains to get something done for someone else, but I have ZERO personal motivation. Pathetic. Maybe I can convince someone to ask me to do things I need to get done all the time. "Maggie, I really need you to clean your room today" and bam. It would be done. Doneskies.
Pointless writing. Pointless writing.

I feel like I'm totally out for now. And besides All My Fountains just came on Spotify, and I need to focus. So

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